Laura Bryant
Studio #3, Open Oct 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20
4560 Palmer Court, Longmont, CO 80503, USA
Walk down hill to studio at W/Rt of house. If icy or in need of walking help, go in froont door & directly downstairs.

My rope and fabric bowls, baskets and artworks are all one-of-a-kind machine sewn artworks. I taught art in BVSD for 32 years. Once I recently retired, rheumatoid arthritis hit which limited some of my drawing painting and tiny sewing abilities at times-so I knew I had to find a medium that would bring me passion and beauty and interest to patrons. In one year I made over 700 works. I sold 400 pieces in my studio shows, Louisville farmers markets, Niwot festivals and winter markets at fairgrounds over Christmas in Longmont. I am inspired by the way experience with the medium can elevate these simple recycled materials into layers like paint on a canvas… The threads fabrics and ribbons in various widths and stitches as a painterly addition to works that could have merely been a utilitarian vessel only. The threads fabrics and ribbons in various widths and stitches as a painterly addition to works that could have merely been a utilitarian vessel only. I teach this medium at Maggie’s sewing center in Longmont every few months. I love the shift from children to older adults as they find their own passion and mastery in rope sewing.
Fiber / Rope Baskets
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