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Terry Crook

Studio #37, Open Oct 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20

1755 Quince Ave, Boulder, CO 80304

Enter through gate on west side of home . Studio is in the building in back of the home .


I have been a ceramic artist for over 45 years. Although I started out as mainly a functional potter, much of my current work is decorative. I am currently working with a low fire technique called Saggar Firing. A saggar is either a clay container that I make in which to fire a piece of pottery or a wrapping such as aluminum foil to fire a piece in.

I place a burnished and previously fired pot in the saggar, where I have also strategically placed various materials such as copper wire, wood shavings, copper carbonate, copper sulphate, salt, steel wool, seaweed or ferric chloride. I fire this container with the pot and the organic material in it .The piece that results is a lovely blend of deliberateness and spontaneity with a hint of landscape.The serendipitous nature of these firings models the art we find in our natural world and dramatically demonstrates that pottery is a fire art.

Ceramic, Sculpture

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