John Daily
Studio #68, Open Oct 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20
820 12th Street, Boulder, CO 80302, USA
Enter alley between 12 and 13th St. Signage will point to driveway. Studio entrance is under rear deck.

I want my images to evoke admiration for my subjects. Critics talk about a piece of art speaking to the viewer. For those who have visited the landscapes or other places I photograph, I hope the viewer says “Yes, that feels just like it!” For those who haven’t, I hope they say, “I’d love to visit that cool place!” I also want to make my intent very clear to the viewer. With every image I provide a short discussion of what I am trying to convey. In some cases, I provide details such as location, species if an animal or plant, etc. In creating the image, I focus on using well established compositional rules. These include the rule of thirds, incorporation of lines and curves, clearly identifiable focus points and image subject, etc. In some cases, I use depth-of-focus to create interesting bokeh effects. With every image I take, I think about whether the scene will work best in color or black and white. And if in color I work hard to create images with interesting color combinations.
Photography, Digital
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