Dante Ortiz
Studio #44, Open Oct 5, 6, 12, 13
3325 Folsom St, Boulder, CO 80304, USA
Enter gate at right side of house, go to back of property.studio in back.

I make art that envisions a culture/nature relationship mutually arising in a complexity of interexchange. My work is multi-disciplinary, dedicated to exploring the intersection of nature, art, and design. Tracing patterns of time, mimicking ecology’s ability to weave elements together, using collage as a form of space phrasing; these are the actions that help me configure what I call a ‘contemplative image.’ How do we envision the complicated and mysterious world we find ourselves in? Through drawing, photography, and techniques of collage and painting, I make mixed media images that reflect upon our dynamic state of being ecologically enmeshed in a realm of wonder. At the heart of my work is the exploration of our shared physical environment, that which is given and the not yet seen. Research gives way to speculative image making that creates room for emotion and the intuitive mind’s eye to perceive new patterns, connections - and possibly new ways of creating new worldviews.
Painting. Photography, Mixed Media
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